Lured back by the view from Neahkahnie
Among NCLC’s many excellent photographers, Carolyn Propst stands out. Since moving to Cannon Beach in 2011 (after “discovering” the town 25 years earlier), Carolyn has …
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Among NCLC’s many excellent photographers, Carolyn Propst stands out. Since moving to Cannon Beach in 2011 (after “discovering” the town 25 years earlier), Carolyn has …
In late November 2017, North Coast Land Conservancy closed on a 3-acre addition to what was an 80-acre habitat reserve at Thompson Creek and Stanley …
Ever since Gearhart photographer Neal Maine read Amy Gulick’s Salmon in the Trees: Life in the Tongass Rain Forest (2010: Braided River), he has been …
This month, NCLC volunteer Jeff Roehm shares his experience as site steward of Wahanna Marsh–what he characterizes as “saving the planet, one crabapple at a …
What was your gateway to conservation? For some, it’s outdoor recreation. For others, it’s photography. For Noah Stryker of Eugene, Oregon, it was birding. In …
Arch Cape resident John Mersereau has been named president of the board of directors of North Coast Land Conservancy. John has lived on Oregon’s north …
North Coast Land Conservancy and the Arch Cape Water and Sanitary Districts moved one big step closer to protecting the source of Arch Cape’s drinking …
“To find anything exciting, one has to cultivate awareness … You may not always find what you’re seeking, but the point is to be looking. …
For thousands of years, the trees blanketing Tillamook Head grew to maturity, with wind and fire creating the only gaps in an otherwise unbroken rainforest …