NEWS FLASH 8/22: The wrens were taken into captivity over the weekend! They have since been freed and were last seen winging toward Circle Creek. Follow them to the picnic!
If you drive on US Highway 101 between Warrenton and Wheeler the week of Aug. 18 to 25, you may notice an unusually robust migration of marsh wrens. Where are they coming from? We know where they’re going: to North Coast Land Conservancy’s 30th anniversary Summer Picnic at the Barn, at Circle Creek Conservation Center in Seaside.
The marsh wrens—part of the land conservancy’s logo—can be found on lawn signs posted on seven NCLC-conserved properties that border US 101 plus one along North Fork Road east of Nehalem. (There are more, but city code in Gearhart doesn’t allow signs like ours!) When you walk the boardwalk on the Cannon Beach Nature Trail, you’re passing our Shorewood Wetland; our signs along US 101 at Cannon Beach are just east of this habitat reserve.
You can also follow the marsh wren migration on NCLC’s Facebook and Instagram pages. Snap a selfie with a marsh wren and post it with #marshwrenmigration. The following map can help you figure out which NCLC property the wrens you spot have landed on.
