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August Stewardship: Swampathon!

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10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday, Aug. 25, 2023
9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 26, 2023


It’s that time of year again for SWAMPATHON! Join us on the water at Blind Slough to help remove purple loosestrife from this amazing habitat. This property contains the largest remaining old-growth Sitka spruce swamp in the state and benefits immensely from invasive species removal work.

We will be accessing the banks of the river from boats, so you must be very comfortable paddling on the water and working together with a partner in a canoe.

NCLC will provide the needed tools (claw mattocks and hand saws), but feel free to bring your own. Bring your own drinking water and lunch. There are no toilets or potable water at our work sites.

Since this is a two-day work party, we will have the option to camp out nearby to the property. Please let us know if you plan to stay overnight, if you want to join us for dinner Friday evening, and if you have any dietary restrictions.

We have 12 spots open on our canoes for volunteers for this year’s Swampathon! Plus, we have four spots available for people who have their own canoe, plus a partner. Questions? Contact NCLC at 503-738-9126 or nclc@NCLCtrust.org.


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