Kindness Hyde, one of our Tidepool Ambassador Program (TAP) leads, shares about tidal pool zones during our July 16 outing.
The 2022 Land-to-Sea Community Science BioBlitz! at Cape Falcon Marine Reserve wrapped up July 17, with 442 species identified at the site.
The BioBlitz, hosted by the Marine Reserve Program of North Coast Land Conservancy, started June 17; 57 people participated throughout the month. They submitted their observations to the project through iNaturalist, where researchers and other users from around the world can help identify the species.
Bioblitzes are important community science efforts. They contribute to collecting long-term datasets for distinct species within a designated area. They’re also a fun way to get outdoors and engage with the surrounding environment.
For this year’s bioblitz at Cape Falcon Marine Reserve, some of the most-observed species included the ochre sea star (Pisaster ochraceus), aggregating anemone (Anthopleura elegantissima), and Pacific hairy hermit crab (Pagurus hirsutiusculus). A few of the more exotic finds included the spotted leopard dorid (Diaulula odonoghuei), the daisy brittle star (Ophiopholis aculeate), and the giant Pacific octopus (Enteroctopus dofleini). You can find images of all of these species—and more—on our project page.
The wide array of observations demonstrates the natural beauty and biodiversity that flourishes in and around the marine reserve site on the northern Oregon Coast.

Will Cotton, with Oregon Coast Aquarium, helps lead the bioblitz at Neahkahnie Beach.
As part of the monthlong project, we held a “bioblitzing” excursion at Neahkahnie Beach, which is alongside the Cape Falcon Marine Reserve, on July 16 in partnership with the Oregon Coast Aquarium. Our marine program coordinator Kristin Bayans led the outing.
We’re grateful to all the community scientists who participated in this year’s event over the past couple weeks. Also, congratulations to Lee Cain, who identified the most species (a whopping 217!) and won an excursion with Garibaldi Charters.
If you want to share your pictures from the bioblitz, we’d love to see them. Tag Cape Falcon Marine Reserve (@capefalconmr) and include #CFMRBioBlitz2022. See you next year for the 2023 bioblitz!