Join biologist Sam Derrenbacher, with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, for a walk at North Coast Land Conservancy’s Neacoxie Prairie Habitat Reserve to learn about the multi-agency restoration effort taking place to promote pollinator habitat.
Participants are encouraged to dress for the day’s weather (layers and hats). Plus, bring water and snacks and wear appropriate footwear (sandals or flip flops not recommended). Binoculars are recommended. Pets are not allowed to attend these outings. Please arrive 10 to 15 minutes ahead of the start time so that we can begin promptly.
Sam holds a degree in marine science, and through a meandering path, she eventually became a butterfly recovery biologist. She has done work tracking long-term biological, geological, and physical changes in an estuary setting and also has worked in the mountains of New Hampshire with the White Mountain Fritillary—doing surveys on habitat quality, tracking populations, and occasionally catching a fecund (fertile) female to bring back to the lab for captive rearing to enlighten our understanding of the butterfly’s life history.
Sam’s newly found passion led her to the USFWS, where she currently serves as a wildlife biologist for the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Ecological Services program. She develops, organizes and maintain a large diversity of organizations working directly towards the recovery of the Oregon silverspot butterfly (OSB). Sam provides technical assistance with the Endangered Species Act, such as consultations and advise in developing habitat management plans, and work with university researchers to learn more about the population dynamics and survival requirements of the species. In the field, Sam spends warm summer days in the field spotting butterflies, planting native species, assessing habitat quality, and working alongside partners for a net positive effect to the OSB habitat. Sam has a passion for applying ecosystem-based science both to protect the unique beauty of the environment and spread the word throughout the community.