1 to 3 p.m.
Friday, Nov. 1
Explore the forests at Circle Creek Habitat Reserve and observe the wide variety of fungi found in them on an afternoon walk with our own fun-guy, NCLC Stewardship Manager Eric Owen. We will investigate what roles different mushrooms undertake in their respective environments and how they interact with their fellow inhabitants.
This mycology-focused hike will follow one or more of the trails at Circle Creek, featuring uneven terrain and easy-to-moderate difficulty. We will be meandering at a relatively slow pace, but rainboots or waterproof hiking boots are strongly recommended, as we may have to traverse through mud and/or up short inclines. No dogs allowed on site.
What to bring: Water and snacks. Please wear sturdy walking shoes and dress for the day’s weather. Bring a hand lens or magnifying glass if you have one.
This program is free, but registration is required.
Eric completed his bachelor’s degree at Oregon State University in 2014, having majored in environmental science with a minor in writing. In addition to his passion for conservation ecology, his interests include mycology and mushroom hunting, soccer, surfing, playing music, and brewing beer. Eric was born in Grand Junction, Colorado, grew up in San Diego, and lived in northern California for several years before moving to Oregon in 2010 to be nearer to his immediate family, who all live in the state.