May is Broom Busting Month! Come help NCLC remove Scotch broom from Surf Pines Habitat Reserve, one of our properties in the Clatsop Plains, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, May 18.
This invasive shrub threatens coastal prairie habitat by fixing nitrogen and forming a dense monoculture that can out-compete other native plants.
MEETING SITE: We’ll meet in the parking lot of the Surf Pines gatehouse, a little north of Gearhart. Map here.
BRING: Sturdy boots and clothing, sunscreen and a hat and/or rain gear, and snacks and water for yourself. NCLC will provide tools and gloves, but feel free to bring your own. Loppers and handsaws are particularly handy for Scotch broom.
There is no potable water at the site, and no toilets. Dogs are not allowed on any NCLC properties.