At NCLC we’re all about community conservation—and right now our community of business supporters needs your support. Some businesses are temporarily closed; others are operating in new ways. We hope you will join us in engaging and shopping with them through the economic crisis resulting from the pandemic. Visit websites for up-to-date details. For example:
Beach Books in Seaside is offering “pick and point” shopping, ordering via phone and email, and more.
Cannon Beach Book Company is taking orders by email: pick up, or get books delivered in south Clatsop County.
Dragonfire Studio and Gallery in Cannon Beach has a host of online opportunities, including virtual browsing and shopping.
Fairweather House and Gallery in Seaside is offering a virtual tour of the gallery and links to other visual art experiences on its Facebook page.
Sea Level Bakery in Cannon Beach is open daily, offering a full list of breads and pastries. Order ahead online or drop by; pick up at the door.
Unfurl of Manzanita is offering ZOOM shopping and more.
And be sure to visit the Cannon Beach boutique Flair when that town reopens for business!