Weed Warrior Wednesdays
Join our dedicated group of regular stewardship volunteers!
Weed Warrior Wednesdays
10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
All are welcome to join us out on the land for Weed Warrior Wednesdays in 2024!
Each Wednesday from March through September, our stewardship crew plans to be at one of our properties on the Oregon North Coast. W³ days focus on whatever the land steward determines is that week’s priority. Often they involve weed-removal activities but may include other kinds of projects, such as seeding; planting and plant maintenance; native-plant caretaking; trail building/maintenance; and site cleanups.
The location changes regularly, but we send out an email at the start of the week to give you a heads up of where we will be, what time and what we’ll be doing on the upcoming Wednesday. All you have to do is respond and let us know you plan to show up that given week! You can come every week if you want, or simply as you are available.
To receive weekly email notifications about upcoming Weed Warrior Wednesday activities, fill out our Volunteer Inquiry Form.
*Start and end times may vary occasionally depending on the specific focus and stewardship project that week! If there is to be no Weed Warrior Wednesday during a given week, those on the W³ mailing list will be notified of the cancellation ASAP.

Why join us?
To assist the stewardship team (they can always use extra hands). To personally help care for NCLC’s conserved lands. To enjoy a day outside in hidden parts of the coastal landscape. And to meet new people or enjoy a day working alongside old friends.
In general, you’ll want to bring:
- Water
- A snack
- Gloves and rubber boots (if you have them)
- A hat and sunscreen
We’ll provide tools for whatever we’ll be doing that day. You’re also welcome to bring your own tools if suitable for the task at hand. If you need to borrow a pair of gloves or boots for a day, contact the land steward ahead of time!