Coast Legacy Circle
This inspiring community of donors has made NCLC a part of their ongoing legacy.
We welcome those who have named NCLC in their estate plans into our Coast Legacy Circle, a group of donors who are making conservation on the Oregon Coast their legacy.
These donors have let us know they have taken this step, and we are honored to invite this group to an annual brunch where we are able to say “thank you” in person, give updates on the organization, and share stories about this special place—the Oregon Coast—with other folks who are passionate about its conservation, now and for generations to come.
We invite you to become a part of this circle of inspiring donors.
For more information, please contact NCLC Executive Director Katie Voelke at or call (503) 738-9126.

The Peace and Power of Planned Giving
A few of our current Coast Legacy Circle members shared why they have chosen to name NCLC in their estate plans. Here is what they had to say.

We give to many good organizations, but helping to permanently conserve wild lands in Oregon is our priority and allows us to leave a tangible legacy. One of these days we’ll get around to updating our wills (and writing in NCLC), but in the meantime, it was easy to simply make NCLC one of the beneficiaries of my IRA.
Bonnie Henderson
In terms of personality types, both of us are what we term “planners.” We prefer to have our future activities—travel plans, particular investments, and our will—arranged well in advance of their use.
Naming NCLC in our will means that one of our most favored philanthropic organizations is sure to receive part of our estate even if the worst comes to pass. We take comfort in knowing that the pursuits we value the most, like protecting this important part of the world, will be supported even if we are no longer around. Adding NCLC to our estate plan was simple, particularly as we had it drawn up with these sorts of contributions in mind.
Both of us feel very strongly that preserving and protecting the natural environment on Oregon’s North Coast is vital work and something that future generations should have the ability to experience. Because of this feeling, we hope NCLC’s work of land acquisition and resource protection will continue, and we want to ensure that our (financial) legacy will enable NCLC to continue their efforts, thus allowing our values to extend past our lifetimes.
Brita Herwig and Ryan Blum

I’m in the lucky generation that had a somewhat feral childhood, which for me meant roaming the woods and beaches on the Oregon coast, alone or with other kids, where my beloved grandmother had a home.
When I was making my end-of-life plans, leaving a percentage of my estate to North Coast Land Conservancy was a clear choice.
Betsy Ayres