Delaney Newport (left), Michelle Patterson, Alex Galluzzo, and Nick Richardson
NCLC has three stewardship interns working full-time on the land this summer, plus one part-time volunteer. Their main duty is to pull weeds—specifically purple loosestrife and policeman’s helmet—but they’re also helping with property monitoring and social media posting. Join us any Weed Warrior Wednesday and meet them in person!
Alex Galluzzo
Alex is back for a second summer with NCLC. In the interim he graduated from Portland State University (major: environmental studies and sustainability), traveled in Vietnam and Cambodia for a month and a half via bicycle, scooter, and motorcycle, and worked at an athletic club teaching climbing.
Unforgettable: When his secondhand motorcycle died on a rural road in Vietnam; a backyard mechanic rebuilt it in two hours for $20.
Delaney Newport
Delaney grew up in Bend, where she volunteered with Deschutes Land Trust and Upper Deschutes Watershed Council. She attended Bard College last year as a freshman—but spent the year in a study-abroad program in Berlin. Her academic interests are focused on environmental science and forest management.
Unforgettable: Flying home from Europe wearing six layers of clothing, top and bottom, to avoid paying baggage fees.
Michelle Patterson
Michelle grew up in Astoria and just completed her sophomore year at the University of Oregon, where she’s majoring in art, with a minor in biology. She has helped guide On the Land outings for NCLC and been active with the Seaside Aquarium and Fort Clatsop; three years ago she volunteered for two weeks doing conservation research with Operation Wallacea in Mexico.
Unforgettable: Witnessing a gigantic grasshopper migration at dusk on the Yucatan Peninsula.
Plus one: Nick Richardson
Nick is working with us this summer as a part-time stewardship and conservation volunteer. One day a week he joins the intern crew on their stewardship work, and one day he works with other NCLC staff on land conservation and easement activities. Nick just graduated from the University of Oregon, where he majored in environmental science. Thanks, Nick!