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Support  Ocean Conservation this Legislative Session

Shared with Permission from the Oregon Ocean Alliance

Why does the Oregon Coast matter to you? Share your thoughts with Oregon legislators and express to them why they should prioritize ocean conservation this legislative session.

Your voice is needed to help pass the Rocky Habitat Stewardship Bill (HB 3587) and Eelgrass Action Bill (HB 3580), which collectively work to foster stewardship and collaboration to improve the management of essential coastal habitats. Both eelgrass meadows and rocky habitats play a critical role in bolstering marine biodiversity and supporting resilient communities–and they need your help!

Both bills have been scheduled for a public hearing at 8 a.m. Wednesday, March 5, in the House Committee On Agriculture, Land Use, Natural Resources, and Water.

Submit Written Testimony in Support of These Bills

Here’s how:

  1. Write a brief letter expressing why these coastal habitats are important for communities, tourism, fisheries, and wildlife.
  2. Urge the committee to support HB 3580 and HB 3587 and their investments in conserving marine ecosystems.
  3. Submit the testimony for Rocky Habitats here
  4. Submit the testimony for Eelgrass Meadows here (Make sure you enter your “position on the measure” as “support” and then click on “text testimony” to write directly in the form or “Upload a PDF”)
  5. Submit by 8 a.m. Thursday, March 6 

Short on time? Here is a Sample Letter (Please personalize)

Dear Co-chair Helm, Co-chair Owens and members of the committee,

I am writing to ask that you please support HB 3580 and HB 3587, and our invaluable rocky habitats and eelgrass meadows. These bills offer a great opportunity to support biodiversity, coastal economies, and increase resilience to a changing climate.

Oregon’s underwater eelgrass meadows are biodiversity hotspots, carbon sinks, and nursery habitat to many juvenile fish species. Their health is vital for sustaining our fisheries, maintaining water quality, and buffering against climate impacts. However, there are signs these essential habitats are in decline in Oregon. HB 3580 would set up a Taskforce to set conservation targets through a collaborative effort involving agencies, Tribes, scientists, local communities, and others. This bill is the first essential step to proactively prevent habitat loss before it’s too late.

Oregon’s rocky habitats, like Haystack Rock and Coquille Point, are iconic tourist destinations for millions of visitors. They are also incredibly important for millions of nesting birds, marine mammals, fish and invertebrates. Increasing climate impacts and human disturbance are threatening these special places. HB 3587 would provide needed agency coordination to better protect these sites. It also would set up a grant fund for local communities to engage the public on best practices to enjoy these places while minimizing disturbance to sensitive wildlife and habitats.

Now is the time to act to protect our coastal ecosystems. For a modest investment we can ensure both eelgrass meadows and rocky habitats can be conserved for generations to come.



Need more talking points and guidance for crafting testimony? 

You can also take action by writing to your legislators directly: 

Legislators need to hear from YOU on why the coast matters to Oregonians and why they should prioritize ocean conservation this legislative session. The legislature also has a unique opportunity to invest in our ocean ecosystems, by supporting the Rocky Habitat Stewardship Bill (HB 3587) and Eelgrass Action Bill (HB 3580).

How to Write Your Legislators

  1. Find your State Representative and State Senator contact information by searching your address on the State’s website.
  2. Write a handwritten letter or type up an email that includes the following:
    1. Introduce yourself and mention where you live in Oregon. Include your contact information.
    2. Tell them about your love for the ocean and explain why you care about estuaries, eelgrass, rocky habitats, or healthy marine ecosystems more generally. Check out the Oregon Ocean Alliance website for inspiration.
    3. Ask for the legislator to support bills this session that will directly benefit the ocean and coastal communities: “Please vote YES on the Rocky Rocky Habitat Stewardship Bill (HB 3587) and Eelgrass Action Bill (HB 3580).” If you need talking points on why these bills matter, see this page on Rocky Habitats and this page on Eelgrass meadows and the legislative campaign webpage.
  3. Thank them for their service.
    1. If you know that your Senator/Representative has supported environmental policies in the past, recognize their efforts.
    2. If your Senator/Representative is a sponsor of the Rocky Habitat Stewardship Bill (HB 3587) or Eelgrass Action Bill (HB 3580), thank them for prioritizing ocean conservation.

Bonus: Feel free to get creative! 

  • Send ocean art (or draw your favorite sea creature on your letter)
  • Include photos of the ocean habitats you love
  • Share a photo of your family enjoying ocean or estuary habitats


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