Each year in spring, the staff, board and volunteers of North Coast Land Conservancy and members of the public gather together for a special program we call The Forest Remembers, honoring friends and loved ones who are no longer with us. We read aloud the names of all those who have been honored with memorial gifts to NCLC, this year and throughout our history. As the list grows, we are reminded of the human community that surrounds and connects us all.
In 2025, staff and volunteers will join together at NCLC’s Circle Creek Habitat Reserve (off Rippet Road) at 11 a.m. Saturday, April 12, to read aloud the names of those being honored. The public is invited to attend. Light refreshments will be offered after the event.
The generous memorial gifts we receive ensure that our legacy continues, and that beautiful, healthy wildlife habitat will survive on the Oregon Coast for future generations, forever. To make a gift to North Coast Land Conservancy in memory of a loved one, please click the DONATE button at the top of the page and follow the instructions. Alternately, mail a check to NCLC at PO Box 67, Seaside OR 97138. Please include a note with your name, the name of the person(s) you wish to memorialize, and the name, email address, and mailing address of anyone to whom you would like NCLC to send a memorial notice.
“Memories of those whose lives are finished on this earth bring tears to those who are left behind; we come to the forest for solace and peace, for we remember, and the Forest Remembers.”
— From “The Forest Remembers: Litany of Remembrance” by Kit Ketcham