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NCLC Board of Directors

North Coast Land Conservancy’s board of directors is a group of individuals who love the Oregon Coast and want to take part in conserving its ecologically significant lands and waters.

Possessing a diverse set of skills, talents, and areas of expertise, they help provide oversight, guidance, and insight for each aspect of the organization and its various programs. They love the natural wonders of the Oregon North Coast and are moved to protect it.

Who is North Coast Land Conservancy?

North Coast Land Conservancy is a nationally accredited, nonprofit land trust dedicated to safeguarding Oregon’s coastal land and seascapes. Since 1986, we’ve worked with a variety of community partners and dedicated individuals to acquire and steward rich coastal habitats for long-term conservation, from the Columbia River to the Siletz Bay.

NCLC manages an ever-growing network of more than 60 habitat reserves and easements across the Oregon Coast, protecting more than 10,000 acres of critical habitat, in addition to hosting a marine program centered on the Cape Falcon Marine Reserve.

Recognizing the interconnectedness of all life on Earth, we work strategically to conserve core ecological systems—air, water, soil, plants, wildlife, and more—that are the basis of all life, in harmony with our community. We always strive to leave goodwill in our wake.

Our Mission

Helping to conserve Oregon’s coastal lands and waters, forever.

Our Vision

A fully functioning coastal landscape where healthy communities of people, plants and wildlife all thrive.

Our Core Values

Seeking Common Ground

We believe the diversity of backgrounds and experiences of the people who make up the North Coast community provides a rich cultural fabric informing our conservation work, ensuring equity, inclusion, and relevancy in an ever-changing world. We strive to listen and learn. Regardless of our livelihood, political leaning, gender, sexual orientation, race, or culture, we can all find common ground in the ground itself.


In all our dealings with supporters, partners, and community members, we strive to be the strongest link in the chain. We are reliable, inclusive, dependable, transparent, and honest in our intentions, actions, and communications. We seek to be continually informed and educated by our coastal community and the scientific community to guide our decision-making .


We recognize the interconnectedness of all life on Mother Earth. We work strategically to conserve ecological systems—air, water, soil, and more—that are the basis of all life.


We take delight in our work and treasure laughter in the workplace and in the world. We enjoy experiencing the natural world and seek opportunities to share it with others. Our baseline attitude is optimism.

Qualifications for NCLC’s
Board of Directors

Membership on the Board of Directors is open to anyone with a demonstrated commitment to advancing the mission of North Coast Land Conservancy. We strive to select a slate of candidates that is inclusive and broadly representative of the Oregon Coast’s diversity, while also fulfilling our specific needs as a nonprofit organization.

NCLC Board Members are expected to:

  • Uphold the basic legal responsibilities of a nonprofit board of directors.
  • Maintain active participation in NCLC.
  • Practice deep listening while striving for consensus and collaboration in decision making.
  • Embrace discomfort as a learning opportunity.
  • Seek to promote and serve as an ambassador of NCLC in the broader community.
  • Attend at least 75% of monthly board and committee meetings in person (preferably) or virtually.
  • Serve on at least one committee.
  • Make an annual contribution that is comfortable for you.