10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Saturday, March 22
Thompson Creek-Stanley Marsh Habitat Reserve
Join NCLC’s stewardship crew to help us accomplish various tasks around the Thompson Creek-Stanley Marsh Habitat Reserve (located on the north end of Seaside) from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, March 22!
We have multiple activities to undertake, including ivy removal from trees; blackberry removal around native tree and shrub plantings; debris and trash removal from the site; and potentially willow planting. We may take on one of these tasks or any combination thereof, depending on the priorities for the day. So be ready for anything!
NCLC will provide gloves and tools, but of course, feel free to bring your own if you have some you like to use. Leather gloves are helpful for blackberry removal, and tools like loppers and hand shears/clippers are good for both ivy and blackberry.
There are no dogs allowed or bathrooms on site.