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The Forest Remembers 2020

(Images, clockwise from upper left: Kit Ketcham reads from “A Litany of Remembrance” in her neighbors’ backyard; neighbors from one household listen at a safe distance; Development Director Lorraine Ortiz reads names in front of her house in the Nehalem Valley; Lorraine’s audience.)

For 10 years, friends and supporters of North Coast Land Conservancy have gathered annually in the Memorial Grove at Circle Creek Conservation Center in Seaside to read aloud the names of all those honored with memorial gifts to the Conservancy over the past year and throughout its history (names are below). This year COVID-19 precautions resulted in cancellation of the public side of this gathering.

But these loved ones were still remembered. On April 25 at 11:30 a.m., NCLC volunteer Kit Ketcham sat in a chair in her neighbors’ backyard near the east end of the RiverWalk in Astoria and read the reflection she wrote and reads every year to open the gathering that NCLC calls The Forest Remembers. She was joined by five neighbors, who sat a safe distance away, listening and taking part in the Litany of Remembrance. Kit set the scene for her neighbors, describing the forest at Circle Creek where the ceremony is normally held, and when she finished, the six of them shared favorite forest experiences, leavened with lots of laughter. “It was a wonderful moment in time,” Kit said.

At the same time, a few miles to the south, volunteer Pat Johns stepped outside her Gearhart home and read a selection of names while standing beside the stump of a spruce felled by the gale of 2007, repeating the refrain “The Forest Remembers” after every 10 names or so, while a Steller’s jay chimed in. NCLC board member Vianne Patterson drove to Thompson Creek and Stanley Marsh Habitat Reserve in Seaside and found a peaceful, tree-lined clearing to read her names. Board member Tom Horning ventured to the edge of the forest at Neawanna Point across the Necanicum Estuary from his house and to read his group of names, some of them people he’d known for many years.

In Cannon Beach, board member Betsy Ayres stood on her back porch next to a massive Sitka spruce to read names. In Arch Cape, board president John Mersereau read names at the foot of the Spirit Tree, a living memorial to a friend who was among those remembered by NCLC this year. In Manzanita, volunteer Julianne Johnson stood on the shore and read names to the breaking waves, whispering “May she rest in peace” and “May he rest in peace” after each one. “As I prepared, printed out, and reviewed my list the day before,” Julianne said, “I felt a strong feeling of gratitude to the donors honoring these people in perpetuity.”

Meanwhile NCLC Development Director Lorraine Ortiz stepped outside her home above the Nehalem River and read aloud more names of those remembered by NCLC, to no one but her partner and the dairy cattle grazing across the road. “I was surprised that, for me, it was just as moving to read the names in my front yard as it was in the memorial grove,” she later said.

The Forest Remembers will return to the grove at Circle Creek Conservation Center on Saturday, April 24, 2021.


[wc_column size=”one-half” position=”first”]

Gail Achterman

Obo Addy

Lisa Alba

Charles Blair Allen & Joanne Kinneman Allen

Gwen Allen

Leo Aman

Douglas Anderson

Sasha Anderson

Liane & Ingrid Ashberry

Charles & Janice Ault

Beverly Autzen

Alfred Aya

Bob AyresJanet Babbitt

Ben Baker

Jean Baker

Fred & Kalla Baker

Dora Bansen

Marcia Barrentine

Eddie Basha

Esther BeBout

Howard Bell

Russell “Lee” Belknap

Tom Bender

Mark S. Berry

Stewart Berry

Tiffer Bevis-Sandler

Jack & Dorothy Birkby

Virginia Birkby

Broughton Bishop

C.M Bishop Jr.

Anna Wessinger Boggess

Ernest Bonyhadi

Bill Boone

Jane & Gerry Borg

The Bourdonnec Family

Joyce Bouton

Gary Braasch

June Bracher

Horatio, Merle & Patrick Brackenbrough

Erhart Braun

Bill Bray

Patric Brice

Carol Briggs

Mr. & Mrs. John Brooke

Yvonne Brossard

Mick Brownlee

Phyllis Brownlee

Jan Bruton

Louis Burzycki

Barry Campbell

Wilma Caplan

Les Carlough

Natalie Cellars

Robert Charkham

Alyce Cheatham

Zephyr Christianson

John L. Christie

Don & Betty Church

Frances Clifford

Bob Coe

Dr. William Eccles Coit

George F. Cole

Dean Coleman

Steve Collins

Margaret Jean Cottrell

Phyllis Courtney

Kay Covert

Judy Cowell

Norman A. Creitz

Suki Cupp

Wayne Curtis

Elaine Daum

Betty Jane Whiting Davis

Tom Horning read names at the edge of the forest at Neawanna Point, across the creek from his home.

Ralph (Coach) Davis

Gill Dennis

Gabriel Desautel

Antionette DeWit

Tam Tattam De Witt

Dr. H. Lenox Dick

Helene Biddle Dick

Lily Dooley & Tevis Dooley Jr.

Faith Dorothy

Brian Doyle

John Thomas Drumheller

Nadine “Bea” Dudley

John Duncan

Kathie Durbin

Richard Dykstra

Allan Edwards

John Emmett Edwards

Debbie Eley

John T. Emery

Susan Emery

Gordon Engelstad

Walter H. Evans, III

Sharnelle Fee

Frances Felder

Larry Fellows

Gail & Lil Fenderson

Gareth Ferdun

Elizabeth B. Fewel

John “Jay” B. Fewel

Suzanne Fields

Elsie “Peggy” Fife

Dave Finch

John & Marjorie Fitz

Robert Flowerree

Cheri Folk

Orcillia Z. Forbes

Gene Franklin

Wes Franklin

Pat Friedland

Pete Frisbee

Janet Martin Gadsby

Walter Gadsby

Frances Gallagher

May & Don Gallagher

Helen Gaston

Zulema I. Gatewood

Dr. Charles Geiberger

Virginia Geiberger

Evelyn & Ossie Georges

Gene Gilbertson

David Gillis

Shirley Gittelsohn

Betty Glarum

Ann Goldeen

Emily Georges Gottfried

Jill Graham

Brian Charles Green

Joan Green

Robert W. Green

Louise Misun Grey

Geraldine Grout

Matthew Guderian

Nadia Gugnyak

Paul Hacking

Hal & Evelyn Hankel

Paul Hanneman

Harry Hansen

Inez Stafford Hanson

Todd Harding

Harold Hart

Charles Hartill

William A. Hart & Hattie Rider Hart

Alec Hart, Emma Hart Smith & Sam Hart

Bill Hastie

Kathy Hayes

Ned & Sis Hayes

Philip Hayes

Peter Heitkemper

George Hemingway

George & Jan Henderson

John Blake Hering

Ruth Herrington

Elnora “Keni” Hertig

David Hess

John & Joanie Hill

Jack Himmelwright

Dan Hodgin

Mary Hoffman

Betty Holland

Dave Holland

Cameron “Kip” Holmes

M.H. Holtz, Jr.

Kenneth Hooley

Jerry Hopp

Walter H. & Ruth C. Horning

Lindsay Horton

Gail Hubbard

John Grant Hubbard

Michael P. Huling & Rose Mizokami-Huling

Sunny Hunt

Bernie & Bette Hutmacher

Marjorie & Samuel Hyslop

Andrew Ibert

Shirley Irvin

Barbara Baker-Horning-Jensen

Bill & Cora-May Jensen

Marie Jensen

Patrick Jensen

Jerry Jeronen

Ray & Dorothy Johns

Dick & Pat Johnson

Freida Johnson

Tree Johnson

Ann Irene Johnston

Genevieve Jones

Dr. Mac Jones

Katie M. Jorgenson

The Jubitz Family

Rod Judge

Irene Kan

George & Janice Kangas

Ron Kaser

Yassi Kashfi

Neal Keefer

Gene Keever

Winton Kemmis

Rosemary Kemper-Riddock

Jane Kendall

Mona & Merritt Ketcham

Edward Marvin Key

Ralph Key

Wilma June King

Ted Kingery

Karen Kirby

David Kloepfer

Rex Knight

Warren Knispel

Mike Knop

Calvin Knutsen

Peter Koehler

Karl Konka

Bob Koons

Mary Krebs

Francis “Frankie” Lackaff

Branislav Lalich


[wc_column size=”one-half” position=”last”]

Browny Lalich

Ruby Lalich

Angie & Jerry Langteau

Irene Lavorato

Ursula Le Guin

Floyd Lee

June Mersereau Lee

Karen Lee

Samuel Lee

Reta Sabey Leithner

David Leonelli

Norbert Leupold Sr.

Rosalind Levine

Terry Lewis

Bob Liberty

Marjorie Lippert

Leslie D. Lloyd

Linda Lloyd

John Lochner

Cecelia Love

Larry Lynn Loveridge

Greg Luth

Maybelle “Middy” MacDonald

Jennie Madden

Daniel Madden

John Madden

Roger Madden

Robert Madge

Karen Maine

Mr. & Mrs. Ned Malcolm

Caryl Mangan

Cris Manning

Pete Mark

Leo, Elna & Lorian Marlantes

Jan Martin

Frieda Martilla

Lia Matthews

Jan McCallister

Doug McCallum

John McGuire

Wayne William McVey, Jr.

Rol Mersereau

Terri Mersereau

Edward & Mary Meshak

Larry Meyers

Joan Wilson Metz

Clare Midson

Robert Miles

Prue Miller

Rob & Dolores Miller

Gainor Minott

Hope Moberg

Chris Monck

Rod Moore

Wanda Moore

Cathy Morgan

Jan Morgan

Noanie Morrison

Stan Muir

Jan & Audrey Muller

Marion Mulvihill

Hal Murdock

Royal Murdock

Stephen Murdock

Austin & Louise Myers

Ernestine Neitzel

Barbara Nelin

Emily & Bob Nelson

Richard Newlands

Dennis Newton

Norine Newton

Tom Niedermeyer

Edith Noble

Carl Nordmark

Perry H. Nordmark

Blanche Nosworthy

The O’Callaghan Family

Jeanette O’Connor

Rodney Odegard

Clifford Olsen

Katie Elizabeth Olson

Margaret E. Olson

Lois & Lou Ortiz

Toby Lee Alban Ortiz

George & Nancy Osgood

Steve Osburn

Sumner William Ostrom

Jane Owen

Ronald Park

John Patterson

Zoe, Kit & Molly Patterson

Toby Patterson

Bud, June, Craig & Karen Paulsen

Dick Pellissier

Eloise Peper

Harold R. Peterson

Mary Peterson

Pat Peterson

Ron Phillips

Peter Pope

Samuel Potter

Colleen Powell

Bob & Dot Prier

Clifford Propst

Eloise Putz

Thea Linnaea Pyle

Ann Radich

Lillian B. Rathman

Bob Rautio

Dorothy Ray

Buster Reich

Daniel Reich

Janet Rekate

John Reynolds

John C. & Emily F. Ricker

Norman Rickles

Merle Rider

Louann Riggan

Libby Rippey

Jim Riner

Craig Roberts

David Roberts

Gene & Dorothy Roehm

Earl Robert Rogness

George Ross

Miles Rubic

Valerie Ryan

Sandy Hook Elementary School, teachers & children

Pat Scanlon

Bob Scearce

Mel & Tilly Schafer

Bonnie Schein

Susan Schiffer

John Mersereau reading at the Spirit Tree outside his home.

Ron Schiffman

Harold Schnitzer

Arthur Schoenfeldt

Paul See

Jenny Holtz Seton

Barbara Shaw

Carolyn Mary Shawgo

Muriel Shookhoff

Jasmine Simonson

Rogan Sloan

Doris Snodgrass

Harold “Hal” Snow

Laura Snyder

Barbara Aline Somers

Mark J. Somers

Mary Thelen Miller Soot

Shirley Sopko

John M. Sproul

John Stahl

Tom Stegner

Jay Stewart

John M. Stone

The Story-Hill Families

Gordon Story

Pheraby Elizabeth Stricklin

June Stromberg

Edwin Strother

Lucille Summerfield

Keith Surerus

Charles & Frank Svec

Louis & Claire Svec

Bradford J. Sweet

Bryon W. Sweet

Michael R. Sweet

Terry Swigart

Al Taylor

Pulga Thamann

Margaret Thierry

Helen Thompson

Robert E. Thompson

Yolanda Thompson

Niki Tippett

Melissa Brown Tompkins

Florence Truax


Susan Faye Valachi

Helene Hidden Van Buren

The Velder Family

Carol Vernon

Lori Nicole Visser

Missy & Lucky Vitello

Elizabeth Voelke

Mary Voelke

Jean Vollum

Anne von der Mehden

Leona M. Vorhees

Evelyn Wagner

Muriel Walker

Gordon Wallace

Judy Walsh

Peter Walsh

Caroline Ward

Lester Weatherly

Mitzi Wells

Elizabeth Wessinger

Bill & Grace West

James R. Wheatley

Hilda White

Sam Whittemore

The Mel Wick Family

Arlee Wickersham

Maude Luella Wieting

Jim Wills

Doris Wiseman

Arliss Witt

Louis Wolfsheimer

Jonathan Wollert

Brian Workman

Kathleen Wysong

Laurie Yarbrough

Melissa Yowell

Falcore Zerangue


Ancient wisdom tells us that we stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before us, that we drink from wells we did not dig and sit in the shade of trees we did not plant, that we are forever bound together in community.

Today we come to honor those whose shoulders have given us a foundation, who provided the wellsprings from which our lives are nourished, and who nurtured the forest which sustains and delights us. 

The forest remembers their gifts and gives them back many-fold as we walk its paths, sense its fragrance, the life it sustains, and the voices of its inhabitants. 

We honor and remember, with the forest, the selflessness of those who gave of their resources and their life’s energy to protect and preserve these living communities of the land  we love.

—From The Forest Remembers: Litany of Remembrance, by Kit Ketcham



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