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Conserving nature’s stage on Boneyard Ridge

North Coast Land Conservancy has been awarded a $210,000 grant from The Nature Conservancy to help promote resilience in the face of climate change. The funds are dedicated toward acquisition of Boneyard Ridge, which NCLC completed in 2016, freeing general funds for acquisition of more land.

The grant program, called Conserving Nature’s Stage, is funded by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation. Its purpose is to identify the most resilient sites in the Pacific Northwest that will collectively and individually best sustain native biodiversity even as the changing climate alters current distribution patterns.

“In the face of a changing climate, TNC is doing great science to show where the most resilient lands are,” said Katie Voelke, executive director of North Coast Land Conservancy. “NCLC can use that science to prioritize our land protection projects and help get them funded. It’s huge.”

Read more about Conserving Nature’s Stage.



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